Sunday, May 28, 2006

Dispatch from Mont Blanc, May 28, 2006

Just a quick post to say that we’re now in a hotel at the foot of Mt.Blanc. Yes, we thought we were going to spend a day and a half in Lyon, but since we couldn’t expect to make much sense of the second largest city in France in a day in a half, we decided to go the Alps instead. Tomorrow we’ll hike for the day, and then head back to Geneva at night to be ready to fly out to Barcelona Tuesday.

This morning we attended church at Taize again. Having been there a few rimes now it’s become more familiar and we could enter in more readily. They even repeated many of the songs. I’m still amazed at the sight and sound of young people from all over the world singing and praying together. The 10 minutes silence at the center of each service is stunning.


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