J on boat to Baras Resort
We're on a little "pumpboat" exploring the coast.
We're setting out April 4, 2005 on a journey around the world. It's our sabbatical called "A Journey of Prayer." We will be sharing some of our experiences, thoughts, feelings, pictures, and adventures as we go along. Please pray with us that we will be open to God's Spirit in the people and experiences along the way. We've listed the various monasteries and Christian communities we'll be staying at in order in the links section to the right. Check out our entire itinerary in our first post.
I think I speak for everyone when I say what we would really like to see is pictures of indigenous reptiles. Lizards and snakes, of course, definitely crocodiles if you see any, and turtles are also acceptable (but not as exciting, unless very large). Obviously, you need to get out in the bush and explore. Lift up debris and rocks, scan low-hanging branches over rivers, etc. If possible, report time of day, specie of animal, its reaction to you, method of capture, length and weight, etc. We await your posts regarding this crucial matter.
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