Here's our three-month itinerary for folks who want to follow our travels.
- Leave Grand Rapids, April 4, 8:40
- Leave LAX, April 4, 21:00 (yes, we're cool with the 24 hour clock) (Hope to visit with niece Rachel Rienstra in LA since we'll be there for HOURS)
- Arrive Iloilo City, Philippines (via Manila): 10:05, April 6 (btw that's "e-low-e-low" in tagalog) (Yes that's two days later! I think we lose a day since we're flying backward around the world, but will get it back when we arrive back in the good old USA.)
- Leave Iloilo City: 16:55, April 16
- Arrive Auckand NZ (via Melbourne) 14:50 April 17
- Leave Christchurch NZ 5:50 May 6
- Arrive Johannesburg SA May 6, 16:10 (via Sydney)
- Leave Capetown SA May 24, 19:15
- Arrive Glasgow UK May 25, 10:05 (via London)
- Leave Glasgow UK June 4 10:35
- Arrive Malaga, Spain June 4, 20:10 (via London)
- Leave Malaga, June 11, 11:00
- Arrive Barcelona, June 11, 12:20
- Leave Barcelona, June 16, 12:05
- Arrive Geneva, June 16, 13:40 (drive to Taize)
- Leave Geneva, June 24, 7:oo, to London, and home
- Arrive Grand Rapids, June 24, 19:59
- Leave June 25 (Again!) by car to Lake Leenanau for a family vacation.
- Home in South Bend Monday July 4 (What a day to arrive back in the good old USA!)